Today was all about strange encounters with the wild life around here.
It started this morning when I took the puppy outside. We had deer just on the other side of the rock wall that borders our property. The deer usually take off when the dog and I come outside but for some reason today was different. I stood very still and the puppy went around smelling. Then all of a sudden the deer took off toward us. They hopped the rock wall into our yard and ran across the back. Just so use to them running away from us, it even scared the puppy a bit.
So hubby and I go run our morning errands, grocery store, post office, coffee shop for beans. When we finally get home there is the turkey vulture flying in real low toward the side yard. He lands on one of the trees that is leaning over from all the storms and just sits there. We get out of the car slam the car doors, make all kinds of noise but the only thing he does is spread his wings. Hmm...they only show up where things are dead. We go inside and unpack the fridge stuff grab my camera and figure if the bird is still out there maybe I'll get a picture of him. Get outside and he's sitting in the yard. I got an okay picture of him, guess it's better than nothing.
After taking the pictures we start off walking toward the bird, just want to make sure it's not injured or anything. It takes off fine and flies off into the field across the street. So we go walking over to where the bird was sitting, wondering what in the world this bird was doing in the yard. We'll we found it....a rather large dead grey field mouse. Sorry to have disturbed his lunch.
Then tonight on my way back from therapy with my oldest we were driving down the road almost to the house when this turkey darts out in front of the car. He takes one look at the car, freaks out (I swear I saw his eyes pop out of his head), suddenly changes direction and starts running down the road in my lane. Now he's running all swirvy and back and forth like, (if he was driving I would have though he'd been drinking.) He freaks out some more takes another sharp right turn into the yard and runs along the fence. I drive all of a whole 5 mph while all this is going on, wondering what was up with this bird. My oldest is all like why are you driving so slow. I say that when there's one there's usually more and I don't want to hit any of them. It turns out that's the only turkey to be seen. No more were around. He's a lone turkey on the loose.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Weird Car Troubles
So yesterday I took my hubby's car on a trip with the kids. When we were ready to leave I went to start the car and beep or lights, nothing at all. I open the door to get out and the alarm goes off. I use the remote to shut the alarm off, some how this still works. I check to make sure none of the doors are open (don't ask me why I thought this was the reason) I check the gas tank, trunk door everything I could think of. Get in the car try again and nothing. I get out of the car only this time the alarm goes off when I close the door. Use the remote to shut the alarm off, pop the hood and take a look. We just put a new battery in so it couldn't possibly be that. Drop the hood, get back in the car, try again and again nothing. I use the remote to lock and unlock the doors and try again. This time like magic the car starts. How strange.
I didn't stop, shut off the car, the whole way home. I get home and hubby wants to take his car to run some errands and go to dinner with the kids. I ask him if he was sure after the trouble I had. He was all for it. He gets in and it starts right up. We run our errands no problem. We go to go eat dinner no problems.
After dinner we go back out to the car and it won't start. HA! I told him we shouldn't have taken it. He pops the hood and looks. We're at a loss as to what it could be. He checks the terminals on the battery and low and behold the negative was very loose. I go in the back of the car and grab an adjustable wrench. Tighten up the terminal and low and behold the car starts right up. No issues.
We are sitting in the car talking to the kids about how we just put a new battery in the car and the terminal was loose so the car wouldn't start right. The youngest looks at us and say "so the guy that put the battery in the car didn't put it in right." I burst out laughing. Yep daddy put the battery in wrong.
I didn't stop, shut off the car, the whole way home. I get home and hubby wants to take his car to run some errands and go to dinner with the kids. I ask him if he was sure after the trouble I had. He was all for it. He gets in and it starts right up. We run our errands no problem. We go to go eat dinner no problems.
After dinner we go back out to the car and it won't start. HA! I told him we shouldn't have taken it. He pops the hood and looks. We're at a loss as to what it could be. He checks the terminals on the battery and low and behold the negative was very loose. I go in the back of the car and grab an adjustable wrench. Tighten up the terminal and low and behold the car starts right up. No issues.
We are sitting in the car talking to the kids about how we just put a new battery in the car and the terminal was loose so the car wouldn't start right. The youngest looks at us and say "so the guy that put the battery in the car didn't put it in right." I burst out laughing. Yep daddy put the battery in wrong.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Walgreens and Mail
Today was a okay day for shopping. I stopped by Walgreens today and though they didn't have everything I was hoping to get, (I'll check another tomorrow), I did make out good with what I got.
Here was my transaction:
Get 4 - Glade decor scents refills - on sale 3/$3 use 2 x Save $2 off on any 2 Glade Products (excluding 8 oz. room spray and Glade Solid Air Fresheners from Right@Home.
and 1 Ten Soda (I got 7UP) on Sale for $1 and you get $1 register rewards
Pay $1.11 and get $1.00 in register rewards so total = $0.11
Not bad, it made me happy. We use lots of air fresheners (I like it when the house smells nice.) These glade air fresheners are nice because even though they say refill on them you don't need the actual thing to put them in. The package acts as the holder for them.
If you need cans of soda you could then do another transaction and roll your $1 register reward. Walgreens has the 12 packs of Ten soda (7UP TEN, A&W TEN, Canada Dry TEN, RC TEN Cola, or Sunkist TEN) for $2.99. Use the $1 off coupon in this months coupon book, found in the store, ours are with the weekly fliers. Also use your $1 register reward from the previous transaction and you get a 12 pack of soda for $0.99 + deposit.
Then you would end up with 4 air fresheners, 1 two liter of soda and a 12 pack of soda all for just over $2 out of pocket.
It's also been a good week for mail. I got tons of freebies. Who doesn't like that and full size samples on some to boot.
Excedrin - 24ct box
Lipton Tea 3 bags + coupon and a coupon for free sample paint from Lowes
Full size sample of Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Eye Cream & Lash Serum Duo. I think there was a coupon on the box too but I was so excited I tore it off before I took the picture.
Here was my transaction:
Get 4 - Glade decor scents refills - on sale 3/$3 use 2 x Save $2 off on any 2 Glade Products (excluding 8 oz. room spray and Glade Solid Air Fresheners from Right@Home.
and 1 Ten Soda (I got 7UP) on Sale for $1 and you get $1 register rewards
Pay $1.11 and get $1.00 in register rewards so total = $0.11
Not bad, it made me happy. We use lots of air fresheners (I like it when the house smells nice.) These glade air fresheners are nice because even though they say refill on them you don't need the actual thing to put them in. The package acts as the holder for them.
If you need cans of soda you could then do another transaction and roll your $1 register reward. Walgreens has the 12 packs of Ten soda (7UP TEN, A&W TEN, Canada Dry TEN, RC TEN Cola, or Sunkist TEN) for $2.99. Use the $1 off coupon in this months coupon book, found in the store, ours are with the weekly fliers. Also use your $1 register reward from the previous transaction and you get a 12 pack of soda for $0.99 + deposit.
Then you would end up with 4 air fresheners, 1 two liter of soda and a 12 pack of soda all for just over $2 out of pocket.
It's also been a good week for mail. I got tons of freebies. Who doesn't like that and full size samples on some to boot.
Excedrin - 24ct box
Lipton Tea 3 bags + coupon and a coupon for free sample paint from Lowes
Full size sample of Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Eye Cream & Lash Serum Duo. I think there was a coupon on the box too but I was so excited I tore it off before I took the picture.

Friday, April 12, 2013
My Cheese!
Do you remember that show "Kids Say the Darndest Things," well it should still be around. I swear some of the things kids come up with are so down right funny. My kids are no exception to this even at older ages. Then again maybe it's just me that thinks it's funny or the combination of situation and what they say but there are times when they have me rolling or crying from laughing so hard.
Today wasn't one of those days but it was funny none the less. We went out to dinner tonight and my oldest daughter orders a bowl of soup. She's not feeling so well from the change in weather, medication or combination there of. At any rate, she wanted some broccoli cheese soup.
This broccoli cheese soup, I swear, was way more cheese than soup. She tries to spoon some into her mouth but there is this big long trail of cheese going from the spoon into the soup. She lifts her arm as high as it will go but the trail of cheese just won't break. She makes a noise and asks for me to help her with it. I proceed to grab her fork and twist the cheese string around it until it breaks. I place the fork back down next her. As I'm doing so she tells me not to eat it. I look at her and tell her that I would not do that and that I used her fork to break the string.
Within the blink of an eye the spoon was back in the bowl and the fork was in her mouth with the words "Oh good, my cheese!" coming from her mouth somewhere in between. I just looked at her and laughed.
Today wasn't one of those days but it was funny none the less. We went out to dinner tonight and my oldest daughter orders a bowl of soup. She's not feeling so well from the change in weather, medication or combination there of. At any rate, she wanted some broccoli cheese soup.
This broccoli cheese soup, I swear, was way more cheese than soup. She tries to spoon some into her mouth but there is this big long trail of cheese going from the spoon into the soup. She lifts her arm as high as it will go but the trail of cheese just won't break. She makes a noise and asks for me to help her with it. I proceed to grab her fork and twist the cheese string around it until it breaks. I place the fork back down next her. As I'm doing so she tells me not to eat it. I look at her and tell her that I would not do that and that I used her fork to break the string.
Within the blink of an eye the spoon was back in the bowl and the fork was in her mouth with the words "Oh good, my cheese!" coming from her mouth somewhere in between. I just looked at her and laughed.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
A bit about the blog.
Random Moments and Thoughts - That is what this blog is about. I have so many miscellaneous things that I'd love to share that I figured a random blog would work.
So what are some of the things you might find me posting about on here.....maybe some gardening, tips and tricks that I find helpful, recipes, pictures and other random things. I'll share some of my adventures in couponing as I learn how to extreme coupon. Some of the funny and weird things that happen around my crazy family might just find it's way on here too. Maybe I'll post some of my side projects on here as well. Just lots of randomness.
Be sure to check out my work blog CraftyDayDreams, to see the latest on what I've been up to work wise. You'll also find crafty bits and tutorials over there along with some of my gardening from the past. I've slacked on updating it. I just started working on it again. I have a ton of new stuff to add to it so be sure to check back at it or even better follow it too.
For now I leave you with a picture of some dwarf irises that are growing in one of my flower beds.
So what are some of the things you might find me posting about on here.....maybe some gardening, tips and tricks that I find helpful, recipes, pictures and other random things. I'll share some of my adventures in couponing as I learn how to extreme coupon. Some of the funny and weird things that happen around my crazy family might just find it's way on here too. Maybe I'll post some of my side projects on here as well. Just lots of randomness.
Be sure to check out my work blog CraftyDayDreams, to see the latest on what I've been up to work wise. You'll also find crafty bits and tutorials over there along with some of my gardening from the past. I've slacked on updating it. I just started working on it again. I have a ton of new stuff to add to it so be sure to check back at it or even better follow it too.
For now I leave you with a picture of some dwarf irises that are growing in one of my flower beds.
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